Thursday, February 18, 2010

Changes for the "back door" entrance

Prior to this renovation, a staff-only "back door" was located off the east parking lot that required staff to go down a ramp prior to entering the building. When the renovation is complete, there will be a new entrance for patrons that will be off the east parking lot at ground level; a ramp will be located inside the building with a more gradual incline. The red framework is an indicator of the new floor height at the east entrance and the indoor ramp.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Progress Continues

The Union Street entrance is being sealed and a new entrance will be cut on the Union Street side soon.

Here you can see that one of the west windows has been cut away to provide a temporary exit for the workers during this process.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Hard Hat Tours for Staff

KHCPL Staff have the opportunity to tour the renovation via Hard Hat Tours . . . here is a photo captured from the first of many tours.
Left to right: Autumn, Tammy, Beverly, & Peg

Friday, February 5, 2010

Inside Views

This panoramic view was taken looking at the north wall of windows on the second floor.

The lower level is getting walls!