A few photos taken 15 Dec 2009 inside the building at 220 N. Union St. in Kokomo.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Renovation Begins Now . . .

On left of sign:
Kneeling: Stuart Godfrey of krM+ Standing, L-R: Library Board Members Tom Trine and Gil Hendrickson
On right of sign:
Kneeling, L-R: Mike Montgomery of krM+, Library Director Charles Joray, Wes Nicholson of CPM;
Standing, L-R: Library Board President Susan Luttrell with Library Board Members Joe Dunbar, Jim Seidel, Stan Ortman, Bill Sahm
The Kokomo-Howard County Public Library (KHCPL) celebrated Sledge Hammer Day on Monday afternoon, November 23, 2009. Library Board President Susan Luttrell led the way as the renovation process began on the main library building at 220 N. Union St. in Kokomo.
Construction Planning and Management, Inc. will oversee the renovation project which was designed by krM Architecture+. The renovation will transform the downtown facility to meet the changing needs and expectations of today’s population while fulfilling the mission of the library: to provide dynamic services that encourage the pursuit of education, information, research, and recreation in an inviting and safe environment. The library serves the eight western townships in Howard County.
During the renovation, KHCPL Main, including the public computer lab, is open at a temporary location in the former Columbian School building, 1234 N. Courtland Ave. The Genealogy & Local History Department has been temporary moved to 4053 S. Webster St.
The renovation is expected to be complete by autumn of 2010.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
KHCPL Main @ Temporary Location
There are two public entrances: enter through Door 1 or Door 2 from Courtland Ave., or from Door 7 from the parking lot off Webster St. There is a Circulation desk at each entrance. Maps of the building are available and staff can assist you to locate materials or services. There are outdoor book drops located at each public entrance.
Custodians are preparing for the Moving/Salvage AUCTION to be held at 220 N. Union St. on Saturday, October 31 at 10:00 a.m. Preview the items on Friday, October 30 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and doors open the day of the sale at 8:00 a.m. More details are available at the library's website: www.KHCPL.org
Renovation activity is planned to begin on Tuesday, November 3 on the library building at 220 N. Union St
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Relocation During Renovation
The Main Library hopes to re-open to the public at Columbian School in mid to late October.
During the time the Main Library is closed, a bookmobile will be parked in the Main Library's parking lot so that patrons can pick up their holds and interlibrary loans. A small collection of books and audio-visual items will also be available for check-out. The book drops at the Main Library wil also be accessible during the move.
KHCPL South, KHCPL Russiaville, and the Genealogy Department at 4053 S. Webster St., will remain open during the move and the bookmobiles will maintain their regular schedules. Patrons are encouraged to use these facilities during the move.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Renovation Update
The library board is continuing to study how best to house the Outreach (bookmobile) Department and the Collection Management Department. No decision has been made regarding a building for these departments at this time.
During the renovation of the downtown building, the main library will be housed in the Columbian School building located at 1234 N. Courtland Avenue. The library is grateful to the Kokomo Center School Board for their partnership with the library in providing this facility. Many thousands of tax payer dollars have been saved by this partnership.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Main Building Renovation
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Samples of Interior Finishes
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
May 11, 2009 Board Meeting

The floor plan of the pre-engineered building housing the Outreach and Collection Management Departments located at the South Branch were also reviewed. (see below)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
April 27th, 2009 Board Meeting
At their board meeting on April 27, 2009, the library board reviewed the latest floor plans for the remodeled main library which were presented by the architect, Mike Montgomery. Those images are shown below.
The library board also voted to construct a pre-engineered building at KHCPL South on land that is owned by the library. (See KHCPL site plan below.) The pre-engineered building will house two non-public departments: the Outreach Department and the Collection Management Department.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
March 9th, 2009 Board Meeting
1. Remodel the entire 45,000 square feet of the downtown facility. This includes connection of all three floors through a newly configured main lobby stair. The existing areas would be reconfigured to open the spaces up, move Children’s to the main floor, move Adult Services to the upper floor and move Collection Development and Outreach Departments to a separate building.
2. Upgrade the mechanical and electrical systems of the existing building. The boilers and the main duct work throughout the building would remain. Other components such as piping, the chiller, temperature controls, lighting and other components would be replaced.
The remodeling project will be paid for using money already saved in the Library Improvement Reserve Fund and other donations as they become available.
1. Proposed Main Floor Building Plan
2. Proposed Upper Floor Building Plan
3. Proposed Lower Floor Building Plan